Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Skyline problem

I recently learned that a common interview question for software engineering positions is the Skyline problem, and people struggle a lot to solve it. It also took me a few tries before I had the final solution, but once I got the idea the problem became a lot easier than I thought it would be. Below I will present and explain the different approaches one can take to solve the problem. I am also going to give running time analysis for each of them. Before we go into details, let's start with the problem statement first.

Problem statement

We have to design a program which helps drawing the skyline of a two-dimensional city given the locations of the rectangular buildings in the city. All of the buildings are built on a flat ground (that is they share a common bottom) and each building Bi is represented by a triplet of (li, ri, hi) where li and ri are the left and right coordinates, respectively, of the ith building, and hi is the height of the building. In the diagram below there are 8 buildings, represented from left to right by the triplets (1, 5, 11), (2, 7, 6), (3, 9, 13), (12, 16, 7), (14, 25, 3), (19, 22, 18), (23, 29, 13) and (24, 28, 4).

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The input of the program is a sequence of building triplets. In some versions of the problem further restrictions are applied on the input, like all coordinates are non-negative integers less than 10,000, there is at least 1 and at most 5,000 buildings in the input sequence, and the triplets are sorted by li (the left x-coordinate of the building) in ascending order. Sometimes the input source is a file and the format of this file is also described, but we're going to ignore it because pre-processing the input sequence of buildings is completely irrelevant to the problem.


The output is a collection of points which describe the path of the skyline. In some versions of the problem this collection of points is represented by a sequence of numbers p1, p2, ..., pn, such that the point pi represents a horizontal line drawn at height pi if i is even, and it represents a vertical line drawn at position pi if i is odd. In our case the collection of points will be a sequence of P1, P2, ..., Pn pairs of (xi, hi) where Pi(xi, hi) represents the hi height of the skyline at position xi. Note that technically it is the exact same representation as the previous one, except having pairs of numbers representing the height at a given position is more meaningful than a parity-based interpretation of numbers. In the diagram above the skyline is drawn with a yellow line around the gray buildings and it is represented by the sequence of position-height pairs (1, 11), (3, 13), (9, 0), (12, 7), (16, 3), (19, 18), (22, 3), (23, 13) and (29, 0).

The brute-force solution

Let's simplify the problem by not ignoring all the restrictions mentioned in the Input paragraph. The most important piece of information is that we know that the left and right coordinates of each and every building are non-negative integers less than 10,000. Now why is this important? Because we can assign a height-value to every distinct xi coordinate where i is between 0 and 9,999. How do we do that? It's simple.

  • Allocate an array for 10,000 elements and initialize all of the elements to 0. Let's call this array H.
  • Iterate over all of the buildings and for every Bi building iterate on the range of [li..ri) where li is the left, ri is the right coordinate of the building Bi.
  • For every xj element of this range check if hi > H[xj], that is if building Bi is taller than the current height-value at position xj. If so, replace H[xj] with hi.
Once we checked all the buildings, the H array stores the heights of the tallest buildings at every position. There is one more thing to do: convert the H array to the expected output format, that is to a sequence of position-height pairs. It's also easy: just map each and every i index to an (i, H[i]) pair. That's it, we just solved the Skyline problem!

Notice that the result is not an optimal skyline (a skyline with minimum number of position-height pairs) because it will likely contain redundant information. What points in the skyline are considered redundant? Those points where the height didn't change compared to the preceding point's height. More formally, given the sequence of P1, P2, ..., Pi-1, Pi, ..., Pn pairs of (x, h), the point Pi can be left out from the skyline if hi = hi-1. To get an optimal skyline we need to map only those i indexes where the height changes. Here's a working implementation in Scala which - instead of allocating an array for 10,000 elements - creates an array that is exactly as big as needed to store all possible building coordinates.

The implementation

First we're going to define some data structures to represent a building, a point in the skyline and the skyline:

case class Building(left: Int, right: Int, height: Int) {

  require(left <= right, "left must not be greater than right")
  require(height >= 0, "height must be non-negative")

case class Point(x: Int, height: Int)

class Skyline private (val points: List[Point])

Now we can implement our first solution:

object Skyline {

  def apply(buildings: Building*): Skyline = if (buildings.length == 0) {
    new Skyline(List.empty)
  } else {
    val (min, max) = buildings.foldLeft((Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE))((minMax: (Int, Int), b: Building) => (math.min(minMax._1, b.left), math.max(minMax._2, b.right)))
    val heights = Array.ofDim[Int](max - min + 1)
    buildings.foreach(b => Range(b.left, b.right).foreach(i => if (heights(i - min) < b.height) heights(i - min) = b.height))
    val points = ListBuffer.empty[Point]
    heights.foldLeft((0, 0)) { (res: (Int, Int), height: Int) => val (idx, prevHeight) = res
      if (height != prevHeight) points += Point(idx + min, height)
      (idx + 1, height)
    new Skyline(points.toList)

The brute force algorithm in action
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  • Computed skyline

Time and space complexity

Now that we've solved the Skyline problem, let's have a look at the resources necessary to execute this algorithm. Even though the problem statement may define the maximum number of buildings and the biggest coordinate, we assume that the above algorithm is designed to work with inputs of arbitrary number of buildings and arbitrary (positive) integer coordinates. From now on n indicates the number of buildings in the input sequence and m indicates the maximum coordinate.

The best case is clearly when n = 0, that is the input sequence is empty (lines 3 and 4). The running time is O(1) (we have to check if the input sequence is empty) and the used space is also O(1) (we create an empty skyline).

But what's the running time when there are actually some buildings in the input sequence? In lines 6 and 7 we first find the minimum and maximum coordinate values then allocate an array of size max - min + 1. To do so, we have to search the whole input sequence once, which means linear running time, that is O(n) for n buildings*, and the allocated array uses O(m) space in the worst case (when min = 0 and max = m - 1). Next (in line 8) we iterate over the input buildings and save the height value for the coordinates the actual building spans over. In the worst case we have n equal-size buildings, each having l = 0 left and r = m - 1 right coordinates, that is every building spans over the whole [0..m) interval. Thus the running time of setting the height of every position is O(n * m). Finally - in lines 9-13 - we go once more over the elements of this array to find those positions where the height changes and include them in the final result (in the ListBuffer defined in line 9). This is again O(n) running time. Therefore, the overall time-complexity is O(n) + O(n * m) + O(n) = O(n * (m + 2)), which is a lot larger than O(n2) if m > n. It seems that our algorithm performs pretty badly (worse than quadratic running time) and it also uses a lot of space to calculate the final solution.

* If we know in advance that all coordinates are less than 10,000, we can skip this min-max search and just simply allocate an array for 10,000 elements. What this means is that there is no O(n) penalty on the running time but we may have a bigger array than needed.

Notice that even in this simplest solution we can completely ignore whether or not the buildings are sorted in the input sequence. But something is not quite right besides the very bad running time and used space. This solution only works if the building coordinates are positive integers (so that we can use an array to calculate the heights). And what if the maximum coordinate is way bigger than 10,000? Can we be sure that we can always allocate a big enough array to store all the heights? And if the coordinates are not even integers or perhaps negative? And finally, can we come up with a more time- and space-efficient algorithm? Can we do better?

The inductive solution

Sure we can! It'd be a huge speed-up if somehow we could determine the skyline by calculating the height for those coordinates only where it matters, wouldn't it? Intuition tells us that if we can insert a building into an existing skyline then instead of all the coordinates the building spans over we only need to check the height at the left and right coordinates of the building plus those coordinates of the skyline the building overlaps with and may modify. Similarly to the mathematical induction we can construct an algorithm that does exactly that.

The base case is trivial, every building can be converted into a skyline: given B(l, r, h) the skyline is P(l, h), P(r, 0). Now the inductive step is that we already have a skyline into which we need to insert a new building. Obviously, if we can insert a building into the skyline then we can insert all the buildings to get the final solution. The algorithm is as follows:

  • If the current skyline is empty add the two P(l1, h1), P(r1, 0) points representing B1 to the skyline.
  • Otherwise find the first Pi(x, h) point of the skyline which immediately precedes lj, the left coordinate of the building Bj, that is xi < lj ≤ xi + 1. Save hi to H if there is such a Pi point, otherwise set H to 0.
  • Prepend the skyline with P(lj, hj) if there is no such Pi point or insert P after Pi if hi < hj.
  • For every Pk(x, h) point where lj ≤ xk < rj replace Pk with P(xk, hj) if hj > hk and hj ≠ hk - 1, or remove Pk if hj ≥ hk and hj = hk - 1. Save hk to H.
  • Let Pl(x, h) denote the first point in the skyline such that rj ≤ xl. Append P(rj, 0) to the skyline if there is no such point or insert P(rj, H) before Pl if rj < xl and H < hj.

This algorithm always produces an optimal skyline since in step 4 it removes those points which would be duplicates. This is done for every inserted building, so the final skyline is described with the minimum number of points. Notice that there is no need to store all the heights for all the coordinates of the tallest buildings in an array, so technically the coordinates can be negative or real numbers. Nevertheless, we are going to work with the previously defined Building and Point data structures which use integers. This, however, is not a requirement.

The implementation

Now let's see some code, a functional, recursive implementation. There are some minor differences between those few lines of code below and the algorithm described above which are worth noting, even though they are only implementation details. While the algorithm above suggests an implementation where the actual skyline is being modified on the fly in every iteration by inserting and removing points, the Scala code below, however, emits a new skyline when a building is inserted and uses that as the input skyline for the next building. Another difference is that the described algorithm works with a building and a skyline, while the code below first converts the actual building into two Points as if it was a skyline. This is only done so that it's easier to work with the building's coordinates recursively.

object Skyline {

  def apply(buildings: Building*): Skyline = new Skyline(
    buildings.foldLeft(List.empty[Point]) { (points: List[Point], b: Building) =>
      mergePoints(List(Point(b.left, b.height), Point(b.right, 0)), points, 0, 0, 0, ListBuffer.empty[Point])

  @tailrec private def mergePoints(p1: List[Point], p2: List[Point], prevHgt1: Int, prevHgt2: Int, currHgt: Int, res: ListBuffer[Point]): List[Point] = if (p2.isEmpty) {
    (res ++= p1).toList
  } else if (p1.isEmpty) {
    (res ++= p2).toList
  } else {
    val (firstPt1, firstPt2) = (p1.head, p2.head)
    val (hgt1, hgt2) = if (firstPt1.x == firstPt2.x) (firstPt1.height, firstPt2.height) else if (firstPt1.x < firstPt2.x) (firstPt1.height, prevHgt2) else (prevHgt1, firstPt2.height)
    val maxHgt = math.max(hgt1, hgt2)
    val (points1, points2) = if (firstPt1.x == firstPt2.x) (p1.tail, p2.tail) else if (firstPt1.x < firstPt2.x) (p1.tail, p2) else (p1, p2.tail)
    mergePoints(points1, points2, hgt1, hgt2, maxHgt, if (maxHgt != currHgt) res += (Point(math.min(firstPt1.x, firstPt2.x), maxHgt)) else res)

The inductive algorithm in action
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  • Building
  • Existing skyline
  • New skyline

Time and space complexity

How much did we improve the brute force solution with this more sophisticated approach? The main work is done inside the mergePoints function. The trivial case, when the skyline is empty, is handled in lines 9-10 by simply adding all the points from the p1 list - which represents the building as skyline points and as such it contains maximum 2 points at any moment - to the result. This clearly runs in O(1) time. If the algorithm already inserted n - 1 buildings and it's about to insert the nth, things get a bit more complicated, but it'll become clear in a moment as I explain.

Since there is an existing skyline and there is a building to be inserted, the mergePoints function skips the first few lines of code and continues in line 14 where it selects the first point (left-hand side) of the building and the first point of the skyline. Because of it always creates a new skyline from scratch when it inserts a building, the algorithm has to determine the height of the point to be added to the skyline (lines 15-16). There are three different cases: the building starts right where the skyline does, or it is before or after the first skyline point. If the two coordinates are the same, then the taller one is selected. If the left-hand side of the building comes before the skyline, then the building's height is selected, otherwise the algorithm has not yet found the building's position in the skyline and the first skyline point's height is selected. In line 17 the algorithm decides how to proceed with the unprocessed points. If the building starts where the skyline does then both points are processed and only the right hand side of the building and the rest of the skyline points need to be merged in the next recursive call. If the building's left-hand side is before the skyline then only the building's left coordinate is processed, the skyline is still to be merged with the right-hand side of the building. Finally, if the whole building is positioned after the first skyline point then only this first skyline point is processed and the building still needs to be merged with the rest of the skyline. The last step is adding the point that comes first with the selected height to the newly built skyline (if its height is different than the previously added point) and recursively call the function with the unprocessed points, the actual heights of the building and the skyline and the current height of the newly built skyline. By doing so the algorithm finds the positions where the building's points are to be inserted and it also maintains the correct height throughout the recursion. If during the algorithm either the building or every point of the skyline is fully processed then it just appends the rest of the building / skyline points to the new skyline in lines 10 or 12.

In the worst case none of the previous n buildings are overlapping so there is a gap between each building in the skyline, and the new building is also distinct. A building is described by 2 points in the skyline (P(l, h), and P(r, 0)) which means that the p2 list contains 2 * n elements. Since the new building is also not overlapping with any of the previous buildings and the above algorithm consumes one point at a time, its running time is O(2 * n + 2), where the +2 is coming from the two points representing the building to be inserted. For the sake of simplicity let's swap the number of buildings by the number of points such that we have n / 2 buildings and n points. For the analysis we can ignore the +2, since this is only a negligible constant. Therefore, the running time of the mergePoints function is linear: O(n).

There is one more thing to consider, though: lines 4-6 where the algorithm iterates through all the buildings. Now that we know that mergePoints is linear in terms of the number of buildings, we can say that when the algorithm inserts the (n + 1)th building, it has to scan through the skyline points of 0, then 1, then 2, ..., then n buildings. Hence the overall running time is 0 + 1 + 2 + ... + n = n * (n + 1) / 2 = O((n2 + n) / 2) ≈ O(n2), which is still quadratic.

The used space is always linear, though, in terms of the number of buildings, and it does not depend on the size of the range the buildings span over. The actual skyline is stored in the p2 list and is garbage-collected at the end of every iteration where a new skyline is created from the points of the skyline and the inserted building. Even though the algorithm does not depend on m and the coordinates need not to be non-negative integers anymore, unfortunately it seems we didn't really improve the brute force solution. The question remains: can we do better?

The divide and conquer solution

As a matter of fact, yes we can! We already represented a building in the previous algorithm as if it was a skyline so you might ask if merging two arbitrary skylines is a significantly different problem than merging a building and a skyline? No, it's not. Luckily, we already have everything in place! The above mergePoints function has no idea about what the p1 list represents, be it only a building or a skyline of multiple buildings. The function merges the two skylines in linear time: if p1 contains n1, p2 contains n2 points, then the time complexity is O(n1 + n2). This is as good as it gets, it can't be improved because we need to check every point in both skylines to decide which one to keep and which one to drop. If we want to improve, we have to find it elsewhere.

Inserting the buildings one after the other is not the fastest way to solve this problem as we've seen it above. If, however, we first merge pairs of buildings into skylines, then we merge pairs of these skylines into bigger skylines, and then merge pairs of these bigger skylines into even bigger ones, then - since the problem size is halved in every step - after log(n) steps we can compute the final skyline. We can still use the mergePoints function to merge two skylines, which eventually runs in O(n) time in every step (since in the worst case none of the buildings are overlapping), so the overall running time of the divide and conquer approach will be - as expected - O(n * log(n)), which is much-much faster than any of the previous two algorithms. And all this is achieved by merging partial skylines instead of inserting the buildings one by one. Let's see how.

The implementation

Compared to the previous solution only the implementation of the apply method changes, so I am not going to repeat the mergePoints function here.

def apply(buildings: Building*): Skyline = {
  def toSkyline(from: Int, to: Int): List[Point] =
    if (to - from == 1) List(Point(buildings(from).left, buildings(from).height), Point(buildings(from).right, 0))
    else {
      val middle = (from + to) / 2
      mergePoints(toSkyline(from, middle), toSkyline(middle, to), 0, 0, 0, ListBuffer.empty[Point])

  new Skyline(if (buildings.length == 0) List.empty else toSkyline(0, buildings.length))

Unlike the mergePoint function, toSkyline is not tail recursive. This should not be a problem, though, for we don't expect this method to go very deeply by the recursive calls: it reaches maximum log(n) depth which is very small even for a very a large n.

The divide and conquer algorithm in action
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  • Skyline #1
  • Skyline #2
  • New skyline

Final notes on the used Scala collections

In case you are not or less familiar with Scala, you may be interested in the performance characteristics of the different collection types used throughout the different approaches, namely the mutable Array and ListBuffer and the immutable List and Range. There is an implicit 5th type, the WrappedArray, which is the actual type of the vararg method parameter buildings: Building*, and is actually just an Array, "victim" of Scala's implicit type-conversions.

The methods used on the arrays and the range are foreach and foldLeft. Both iterate through all the elements of the underlying collection, thus their running time is O(n).

The methods used on the lists are isEmpty, head and tail. All of these methods are blazing fast, they run in O(1) time and basically have no impact on the performance of the algorithms.

Lastly, the methods used on the list buffer are += and toList. Both of these methods require constant running time so they also don't change significantly the overall performance of the Skyline algorithm. We must be careful, though, with modifying a ListBuffer after it has been exported by the toList method: after an export, the next modifying method will run in O(n) time because all of the elements in the buffer must first be copied in order to not to modify the exported list. Fortunately, we don't have to be worried about it, because the toList method is always the last operation after which the ListBuffer will be garbage-collected.

You can download the complete source code and test cases from here.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Understanding Scala's partially applied functions and partial functions

The two similar terms - partially applied function and partial function - quickly confuse anybody new to functional programming languages. Mastering Scala is difficult by its own which doesn't help understanding the differences between the two similarly named function types. I try to dispel this confusion through some examples.

Before we start, we need to define some terms.

  • A method in Scala, just like in Java, is a part of a class (or object) and it has a complete signature: name, arguments, return type, and if it's not an abstract method, a body that implements the method. For example:
    class Math {
      def add(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a + b
    As a syntactic sugar the return type can be omitted, because Scala can infer the type from the last expression of the method.
  • A Scala function on the other hand is in fact a class. There is a series of traits in Scala, each of them represents a function with various number of arguments: Function0 for parameterless functions, Function1 for functions with one parameter, Function2 for functions with two parameters, and so on up until Function22. Given these traits, a function is a class that mixes in one of them (depending on the actual number of parameters), and as such, it has methods. The most important one is the apply method, which contains the implementation of the body of the function. The number of arguments of the apply method is exactly the same as the number in the name of the mixed in trait, that is it's 0 for Function0, 1 for Function1, 2 for Function2, and so on. For example:
    object add extends Function2[Int, Int, Int] {
      override def apply(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a + b
    Scala has many syntactic sugars, one of them is the special apply-syntax: if you write a symbol name followed by an argument list in parentheses, Scala translates that into a call to the apply method of the named object. Using the previous example instead of writing add.apply(1, 2), we can simply write add(1, 2) to get the same result.
  • A function literal or anonymous function is an alternate syntax to define functions. Instead of creating a new class that mixes in one of the FunctionN traits and then overriding the apply method, we can just simply list the named function parameters in parentheses, then write a right arrow, and then the body of the function. For example:
    (a: Int, b: Int) => a + b
    From such function literals the Scala compiler generates a function object which mixes in one of the FunctionN traits: the left hand side of the => becomes the parameter list and the right hand side becomes the implementation of the apply method. As you see, it is really nothing more than a shorthand form of a function.
  • A function value is an instance of some class that extends one of the FunctionN traits. A function literal, for example, is first compiled into a class that mixes in a FunctionN trait and then instantiated runtime. The created instance is a function value. Since function values are objects, we can store them in a variable, but they are functions, too, so we can invoke them using the parentheses function-call notation (in fact it will be converted to a call to the apply method of the function class instance which is assigned to the variable). For example:
    val add = (a: Int, b: Int) => a + b
    add(1, 2) // returns 3

Partially applied functions

Now that we're familiar with these terms we arrived to the partially applied functions. From now on, the terms method and function are interchangeable. While in general this is not true, I'll use this simplification because it really doesn't matter when we talk about partially applied functions.

Normally, when we invoke a method or a function, we pass in all the required arguments. The function is then applied to these arguments and it computes some value. In Scala, however, it is not strictly necessary to use all of the arguments. We can decide to pass in only some of them or none of them. In either case, Scala cannot compute any result, since arguments are missing, so instead of doing so, it will automatically generate a partially applied function using the supplied arguments and then creates a function value from it. The generated partially applied function mixes in one of the FunctionN traits, where N depends on the number of missing function-arguments. The body of the generated function's apply method is basically the invocation of the original function's apply method with the supplied arguments completed with the arguments passed in to the apply method of the generated partially applied function. While it may sound very complicated, it turns out to be very simple if it's demonstrated through an example:

val add = (a: Int, b: Int) => a + b
val inc = add(_: Int, 1)
inc(10) // returns 11

What happens here is the following: we invoke the add(Int, Int) function with a fixed argument (the number 1) but the other Int argument is missing. Each missing argument is substituted with an underscore. Since only some of the arguments are supplied, the add(Int, Int) function cannot be executed, so inc will not store the result of the function but it will be a reference to the function value instantiated from the generated partially applied function. What is the type of this generated function? Well, there is only one missing argument, hence its type will be Function1. Function1 has two type parameters: one for the function's input parameter and one for its result type. The type of the missing argument of add is Int and its return type is also Int, so both of the type parameters will be Int. And what exactly does its apply(Int) method do? It simply invokes the original add function with the parameter supplied to apply and the fixed argument value 1. Given all this information we could even implement our own partially applied function (fortunately, the Scala compiler takes care of this so we don't have to):

object inc extends Function1[Int, Int] {

  override def apply(v: Int): Int = add(v, 1)
inc(10) // returns 11

Another use case is when none of the arguments are given. One can substitue each of the missing arguments with the underscore character but Scala provides an even simpler format: a single underscore character after the name of the function replaces an entire parameter list, for example add _. (Notice the space between the function name and the underscore! This is needed, otherwise the Scala compiler thinks we're referring to the function called add_.) We can use an even more concise form by leaving off the underscore character. This format, however, can only be used at places where a function is required at that point in the code. Such a point in the code is a higher order function which expects another function as an argument, for example the foreach method defined by the GenTraversableOnce trait, which accepts a single-parameter function: Array(1, 2, 3).foreach(println). In this last example the println(Any) method (defined in the scala.Predef object) is passed in to the foreach method of the array. No parameters are given to println and at that point in the code a function is expected, so we simply leave of the underscore character after println. The Scala compiler generates a partially applied function from the println method, which takes exactly one argument. The actual argument passed in to the partially applied println is the current element of the array as the foreach method iterates on it, so in every iteration the current element is printed to the console.

Partial functions

Despite the similar name, partial functions have nothing to do with the partially applied functions. If you studied mathematics, however, you already know what they are: a partial function from X to Y is a function ƒ: X' → Y, where X' is a subset of X. In other words the function is not defined for all elements of the X set. The most obvious example is perhaps the division function, which maps real numbers to real numbers, but it is not defined for the value 0. More formally ƒ(x, y) = x / y, where x, y ∈ ℝ and y ≠ 0.

Scala's partial functions do exactly the same: the function is defined only on a subset of the possible input arguments. Before we go into details about how they are actually implemented, let's take a little detour to the world of patterns. They're beyond the scope of this post so for now it's enough to know that Scala heavily uses patterns, starting from variable definitions, through for expressions to pattern matching. Most of the time you will encounter them inside a match expression as a series of cases, which let you select from a number of alternatives:

args(0) match {
  case "foo" => println("bar")
  case _ => println("?")

There are different kinds of patterns, but to simplify things let's just say whatever follows the case keyword is the pattern, and if the expression matches this pattern, the right hand side of the arrow will be executed. The match expression is not the only place though where we can use case sequences. As a matter of fact a case sequence in curly braces can be used anywhere a function literal can be used. Why? Because such a construction is a function literal itself, but it's more general: while a normal function or method has a single entry point with a given parameter list, case sequences have multiple entry points, and each of them has its own parameters (defined by the patterns). Another difference is that a single function has exactly one function body, while case sequences have as many function bodies as many cases form the sequence, that is the right hand side of each case (or entry point) is a function body. This generalization leads us to the partial functions, because such a case sequence is only interpreted on a subset of its arguments (where any of the patterns matches), and it's undefined in every other case.

val div: (Double, Double) => Double = {
  case (x, y) if y != 0 => x / y

The above example is a possible implementation of the aforementioned division function. While it does not demonstrate the usage of multiple cases, the single pattern (x, y) if y != 0 is enough to describe our partial function: it is defined for every pair of numbers except when the value of the divisor is 0. What is the output then of the following function call: div(1, 0)? Well, it will fail with a MatchError, because there is no pattern defined in our function which would match the case when the divisor is 0.

Defining a sequence of cases this way has two small problems though. The first one is that there is no way to test (other than invoking the function itself) if the input arguments are in the subset of the valid values. To avoid exceptions we have to put our function call into a try-catch block but that would pollute our code. The second one is that if the Scala compiler has enough information about all of the possible values of the patterns used in the case sequence, it will complain with a warning message if we don't define all of them. The compiler is absolutely right in this case, since forgotten pattern values lead to runtime exceptions. In case of partial functions, however, we don't want to define all of them, only a subset of them.

Fortunately Scala has an elegant way out of both problems. If we tell the compiler that we want to create a partial function, then we can not only check if the function is defined at the input arguments but the Scala compiler will also stop complaining about non-exhaustive matches on the patterns. So how can we let the compiler know that what we want is really a partial function? It's simple: we only have to define the type of the function as PartialFunction. Here's the div function again, this time as a real partial function:

val div: PartialFunction[(Double, Double), Double] = {
  case (x, y) if y != 0 => x /y

PartialFunction is basically a specialized Function1. It has all the methods Function1 has, plus some very handy new methods. For example the isDefinedAt() which we can use to check if the function is defined at the input arguments.

div.isDefinedAt(1, 0) // returns false

By using this method we can avoid the try-catch block, and additionally it's more expressive than catching a MatchError.

As you get more and more familiar with Scala, you'll notice that partially applied functions and partial functions are used at many places. For instance, when you use higher order functions, you are actually working with partially applied functions. Or if you look at a try-catch block, you will notice that the catch block is essentially a partial function. I hope this post helped to clarify the "myth" of partially applied and partial functions, and - should you find a use case for it - you can already start writing your own.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Neo4j transactions in Scala

Recently I started to work on a project which depends on Neo4j. Neo4j - using is its own definition - "is a graph database, storing data in the nodes and relationships of a graph".

Once we have a database instance, it's fairly simple to work with it. There are methods to get, create, update and delete nodes and relationships. There is, however, a requirement: every operation that writes to the database must be in a transaction. A transaction must either be committed or rolled back when it's finished. Neo4j is written in Java, so the simplest way to demonstrate a basic transaction is a Java example:

public class Neo4jExample {

    private final GraphDatabaseService db;

    public Neo4jExample(GraphDatabaseService db) {
        this.db = db;

    public Node createFooNode() {
        Transaction tx = db.beginTx();
        try {
            Node node = db.createNode();
            node.setProperty("foo", "bar");
            return node;
        } finally {

First we need to start a new transaction in the database with the db.beginTx() method. When the transaction is started we can create a new node in the database by calling db.createNode(), then we can set the foo property to bar by using node.setProperty("foo", "bar"). To finish a transaction we need to call tx.finish(), which will either commit or roll back the transaction. It will always roll back unless the transaction was marked as successful with tx.success(), in which case the transaction is committed.

Now notice the try-finally block which encloses the whole transaction. This is the recommended way to work with Neo4j transactions, because this is the only way which ensures that the transaction is properly finished. If an exception is thrown in the middle of the try-block before tx.success() is even being called, the transaction will be rolled back since it was not marked as successful.

The solution is fail-safe and simple, but there is one problem with it. The transaction-handling pollutes our code. The only important thing is in the two middle lines in which we create a node and set a property on that node. The other six lines surrounding it are required by design, but they only take our attention away. Additionally, if we need transactions at many different parts of our code base, we need to repeat those six lines everywhere, which is a lot of code duplication. We could, of course, overcome it by using AOP or by rewriting the above code to use the command pattern, but the former requires some AOP library and the latter makes this simple code a lot more complicated.

A more elegant solution exists in Scala which does not require additional libraries or an utterly complicated design. In Scala not only can we define functions and call
them, but we can write down functions as unnamed literals and then pass
them around as values. Scala supports first-class functions, which means we
can express functions in function literal syntax, i.e., (x: Int) => x + 1,
and that functions can be represented by objects, which are called function values.

So all we need is a method that takes a function-literal argument and executes that function inside a transaction:

trait TransactionSupport {

  protected def transaction[A <: Any](db: GraphDatabaseService)(dbOp: => A): A = {
    val tx = db.beginTx()
    try {
      val result = dbOp
    } finally {

We can use this method in our code where we need a transaction:

class Neo4jExample(db: GraphDatabaseService) extends TransactionSupport {

  def createFooNode(): Node = transaction(db) {
    val node = db.createNode()
    node.setProperty("foo", "bar")

The transaction handling is defined in a trait which can be mixed in to any class where transactions are needed. The transaction method takes two argument lists: the first one is the database in which the transaction is started, the second one is the function that must be executed inside the transaction boundaries. This signature makes it possible to call the method in the transaction(db) { ... } format which makes it look like the transaction handling is supported by the language itself. The method simply returns whatever the passed in function returns. The body of transaction follows the exact same structure of the above Java example: it starts a transaction, then does something in the try-block, and last it finalizes the transaction in the finally-block. The only difference is that instead of specific database operations it executes the passed in function.

Using the above transaction support is very simple: just wrap the code which must be executed in a transaction into the transaction(db) { ... } method. The code duplication is reduced to mixing in the TransactionSupport trait and calling the transaction method whenever it's necessary. No external libraries are used and no complicated patterns are implemented. And the resulting code is not only not complicated but also very easy to read.

The TransactionSupport trait, however, is not perfect. As long as we don't need complex transaction handling it's good enough, but as soon as we have to roll back transactions when certain conditions are met, or we must acquire read- or write-locks we need to come up with some other solution.